Green Business Process Management

Nachhaltigkeit in Business

Die folgenden elf Kapitel widmen sich der Notwendigkeit, die Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte in Unternehmen zu unterstützen und zu beleuchten. Dabei geht der Autor insbesondere auf die enge Verknüpfung zwischen betrieblichen Veränderungen und den eigenen Prozessen ein und beschreibt die Potenziale, die hinter Green Business Process Management stehen. Darüber hinaus wird ein Leitfaden auf Basis der von Horus selbst entwickelten Methode zur Verfügung gestellt, der den Horus Business Process Engineering Ansatz im Rahmen eines Vier-Phasen-Modells beschreibt.

How the linear production model has created a disruption between the human-nature relation and how the greening of business and industrial processes can contribute to a sustainable reality for a better future.

Understanding the roots and history of sustainability will help understand why its focus lies on developing an economy growth taking into account the societies and the environment.

Business processes act as a central element for organizational change. The Horus method provides the appropriate modeling language for this and, thanks to the consideration of processes in the organizational context, contributes to more transparency and a common understanding of processes.

This chapter provides clarity in the jungle of terminology: what do we mean by Green Economy, Circular Economy and Bioeconomy, and how do they describe the intersections between economic, social and environmental goals?

Green businesses clearly differ from conventional businesses through their operational processes, and complement sustainability as a new dimension of operations management. This article describes the importance of business process management in achieving environmental goals.

Different components are required to comprehensively establish Green Business Models. Horus offers various applications for this purpose.

For companies, it is of great importance to know how they can act in a value-creating way within the framework of business models. Sustainability as a new dimension must be adequately integrated here. The concepts of eco-efficiency and eco-services describe how these sustainable value propositions can be implemented.

One challenge in incorporating sustainability into strategic corporate goals is measurability. Here, it is helpful to include the goal of sustainability as a fixed component of the balanced score card in order to be able to evaluate both financial and qualitative goals. This chapter explains how.

Incorporating sustainable measures can also carry risks. The Horus Method provides a structure that considers the impact of a “green path” on companies taking into account the different perspectives of the BSC (consumer, innovation & potential, finance, internal processes).

Performance indicators are also a key element in the Horus method for making operational processes measurable along the entire value chain. This article explains which Key Environmental Indicators provide information about the improvements of sustainability regarding the internal processes of a company.

Finally, the author presents four possible process models for the concrete implementation of green measures in industrial and business processes.

Authorin der Beiträge: Ana Rivas